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Posted Wednesday, January 20, 2010 by Casey

The Chariot and Inhale Exhale Street Team Contest!

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Help promote The Chariot and Inhale Exhale tour in your city, and you could win free tickets to the show! You must live in (or close to) one of the cities that we are playing on Tours and Rumors of Tours to participate.   Check the Tour Page for dates and details. 

To enter the contest, download the tour flyer here and print off as many as you can. Write in the info for the show you're attending in the blank space at the bottom of flyer and pass them out or post them all around your city, school, college, church, mall or wherever else you can think to put them.

Take photos of the posted flyers and email them to us at

The person who sends in the most impressive photos will win two free tickets to the show in their city.  We will be giving away two tickets to every show on the tour. 

You must email photos two days before the show in your city.  Cut off time will be 12:00 midnight (for example, to be entered for the show in West Palm Beach on Jan. 27th, entries must be sent between 11:00p.m. on the 24th and 12:00a.m. of the 25th).

When you email the photos, please put the city and date of the show that you are entering for in the subject line. Winners will be contacted the day before their show, via email with info on how to pick up their tickets.

You can also enter another contest to win two free tickets to the show of your choice at

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